Visual AI for Collectibles

Automate the categorization, attribute detection & enhancement of photos on your website for collectors.

Visual AI for collectibles by Ximilar: object detection, attribute recognition and visual search of collectible trading card.

Automatic Recognition of Collectibles

Automate the detection & recognition of collectible items in photos.


AI Solutions for Collector Websites

Automatic attribute detection & tagging on a collectible item with visual AI for collectibles by Ximilar.

Automate the recognition & grading of trading cards (TCGs), collector coins, banknotes, comic books, or sports memorabilia images with artificial intelligence.

The core system detects & categorizes individual collectible items in uploaded pictures. It can be further combined with card or comic book identifiers and even customized for different collectibles

Guides & case studies

Collectibles Identification - Sports Cards, TCG, CCG recognition system Click to Load Demo
Discover all we offer for collectors in a PDF packed with resources:

Trading Card & Comics Identifier

Detection, classification, and detailed analysis of trading card games, sports cards, comics, and manga.


Analyze Trading Card Games in Milliseconds

Ximilar AI recognizes the most popular trading cards, such as Pokémon, Magic The Gathering, Yu-GI-Oh, Flesh and Blood, MetaZoo and other TCGs.

Analyze your whole TCG collection on a click. Get both general and detailed information about the card, including links to relevant marketplaces, in one API call.

Available right-away for popular TCGs such as Pokémon, Magic The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh!Flesh and Blood, One Piece, Lorcana, or MetaZoo, and we add new TCGs continually.


Get Detailed Information About Your Sports Cards

Ximilar AI analyses the sports cards and provides detailed information about them, including links to marketplaces.

Analyze whole collections of baseball, basketball, football, soccer, hockey, MMA and other sports cards with AI.

Get detailed information on your sports card photo and full card identification (such as the player’s name, card number, company, team, year), including links to marketplaces.


Comic Books & Manga Identification Powered by AI

Enrich your whole image collection with metadata extracted with Ximilar AI: the comics’ name, issue number, name, and date, publisher, edition (recognized from barcode), price on the issue and in the marketplace.

Enrich your whole image collection with metadata extracted with AI: the comics’ name, issue number, date, publisher, edition (recognized from barcode), price on the issue and in the marketplace.

Grade the comic books and evaluate their condition with AI. Available now for both vintage and new comic books, as well as manga.

Get Your Collectibles Identifier Today

Log into Ximilar App, get your API token, and integrate this solution into your website or app.
Use our credit calculator to find the perfect plan for your needs.

AI Price Guide & OCR for Cards, Comics, and Slabs

Check prices of your entire collectible collection via online API. Read cards, comic books, manga, and their slab labels via OCR.

OCR System for collectibles

Extract Texts From Cards, Comics, Manga & Slab Labels With AI

Extracting text from the trading card via OCR and then using GPT prompt to get relevant information.

Our visual AI is ideal for both image analysis and text extraction. The texts on trading cards, sports cards, comic books, manga, and their graded slabs can be extracted with OCR.

This data can be provided in a structured format of your choosing (typically JSON) and used on your website.

Card Grading System

AI-powered solutions for bulk pre-grading, condition evaluation, and centering analysis of trading cards.


Card Grading Powered by Artificial Intelligence

Visual AI for collectibles by Ximilar: automatic surface defects' detection on a collectible baseball card.

Get accurate grading & transparent grading breakdown based on surface, print lines, edges, corners & centering in accordance with standards such as PSA, Beckett, or SGC Grading.

Quick, affordable and accessible via API, this system is ideal for bulk pre-grading based on artificial intelligence & machine learning technology. You can provide the card grading service to collectors, app users, or expert graders.


Know the Condition of Your Trading Cards On Click

Evaluate the overall condition of your trading cards in bulk with Ximilar.

AI is ideal for bulk, quick, and easy condition evaluation of trading cards in bulk before submitting them to marketplaces like eBay or TCG Player.

You can specify a naming mode for the condition you want to return:

  • The default mode uses eBay scales for TCGs and sports cards
  • TCG Player scale
  • Ximilar scale, enhancing the eBay scale

Card Grader
Card Condition
Card Centering
Card Grading & Card Condition Demo Click to Load Demo


The More Original, the Better

Visual search of antique tables with Ximilar computer vision.

Our technology is used by UK’s largest antiques website, Selling Antiques.

No matter how unique the pieces in your collection are, you can use AI to:

  • Upload images and get their tags
  • Help your visitors find items matching their image
  • Recommend items based on design & similarity


Numista: Object Detection & Visual Search of Coins

Visual AI for collectibles by Ximilar: detection and visual search of coins for website Numista.

Numista, a numismatic & coin collecting platform listing hundreds of thousands of coins and banknotes, uses Ximilar’s visual artificial intelligence on their images.

When a visitor uploads an image with coins, they are detected one by one. Visual search then uses them as image queries and recommends identical or similar items from the database, together with their metadata.

Read how we built a search engine for Pokémon Trading Card Game:

Improve Your Images

Automatically enhance the content uploaded by users to attract collectors and find buyers more easily.


Remove Background & Upscale Photos

Automatic image upscaling of a collectible comic book

Get the most out of every picture with automatic background removal & image upscaling up to 8x by pixel multiplying or generative upscaling AI models.

Image tools can be easily integrated with both ready-to-use and custom services. The system can modify all or only selected low-quality photos.

How Can AI Help Collector Websites?

Visual AI is an objective and consistent tool for the categorization & pre-grading of collectibles. How it works?

Illustration representing object detection on collectible stamps.

Detect Collectible Items

The ready-to-use service detects individual collectible items in photos. They can be marked & recognized.

Illustration representing object detection on a collectible sports card and automatic tagging by AI.

Recognize Attributes

We customize the service to automate the categorization or grading of collectibles based on their attributes.

Illustration representing object detection on a collectible comic book and visual search of similar items.

Apply Visual Search

Recognition services can be easily combined with a visual search into a custom engine tailored to your data.

Do you want to automate the image processing?
How we work?


No-Code Automation Powered by AI

Ximilar has a no-code platform for visual AI based on computer vision & machine learning. We and our customers use it to train & deploy image-processing solutions.

All our services are fully customizable to different types of data and can be easily combined with each other.

The high-demand solutions are deployed as ready-to-use services that can be used immediately.


System Tailored to Your Website

We can discuss your goals, prepare a custom demo, and develop a system tailored to your website or app.

The deployed solutions work on SaaS principle (software as a service). They are available via API & App, with image collections synchronized on a cloud.

Our technology is constantly upgrading. Due to the modular structure, any image-processing task can be upgraded easily.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AI Recognition of Collectibles and how does it work?

AI Recognition of Collectibles is a service created for websites and apps for collectors. It automatically detects and recognizes collectible items, such as cards, coins, banknotes, or stamps.

The service is fully customizable for different types of collectibles. For example, let’s say you are building an app for the automatic recognition of baseball cards. We would use the basic service and add a precise recognition of different cards based on their images, texts or packaging.

We can add tasks that will recognize the edition, year, symbols or texts on the collectible items and provide you with tags that can be used as keywords for search and filtering of items on your website.

Additionally, this service can be combined with other solutions, for example:

  • Visual Search – This technology will browse your collection based purely on the appearance of the item. You can find the exact or similar items in your collection based on an image query.
  • Background Removal – Remove the background from all single-item images automatically.
  • Image Upscaler – To enhance the quality of low-resolution images.

Which collectibles can AI Recognition of Collectibles recognize?

As for now, the service is able to detect (and mark by bounding boxes) the collectibles such as stamps, coins, banknotes, comic books and trading cards, as well as antique items.

For collectible cards, the service can identify whether it is a Trading Card Game (Pokémon, Magic The Gathering – MTG, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Lorcana, Flesh and Blood and so on) or a Sports Card (Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, Football, Soccer, or MMA), with several additional features (e.g., signature). It can be easily customized to evaluate images based on your criteria. The full taxonomy of the identification results with all supported games and sports can be found in our documentation page.

For comic books, the service can identify more than 1 million magazines, books and manga – via name, title, publisher, issue number and release date.

The service is constantly expanding based on the requests from our customers.

Can your AI identify or find the exact collectible based on a photo?

Yes, it can. We will create a customized visual search. After that, you will be able to search in your database with image queries or recommend similar items. The visual search will be independent of the origin, resolution, or quality of colours of your images.

The system works via REST API and is able to scale to hundreds of requests per second.

What is the difference between AI Recognition of Collectibles and Custom Visual Search features?

AI Recognition of Collectibles is a basic AI system for detecting and analyzing images of collectibles, such as trading card games, sports cards, coins, stamps, or antique items. It can be combined with a custom visual search solution to find images in your collection based on a query image, recommend similar items, or match and eliminate duplicates in item galleries. This system is always customized for specific customers’ needs.

Custom Visual Search, on the other hand, refers to any custom or customized solution built with our visual search platform. Contact us to discuss your application.

How does the automatic visual inspection of collectibles work?

Visual inspection systems powered by AI depend on the type of data. We will develop a custom system based on your use case. To do so, we will need a dataset of training images from you (representing the images you typically work with). Then the system will be able to detect signatures or package, and analyze scratches or edges of the item. Contact us to discuss your use case.

Can AI Recognition of Collectibles read a text (OCR) or a score from a graded collectible item?

Collector and Card Grader API

Here are examples of curl requests for our easy-to-use REST API.

Full documentation
Comics ID
Slab Reading
Sports Cards ID
Card Grading
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token __API_TOKEN__" -d '{"records": [ {"_url": " __UNIQUE_IMG_ID__" } ] }'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token __API_TOKEN__" -d '{"records": [ {"_url": " __UNIQUE_IMG_ID__" } ] }'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token __API_TOKEN__" -d '{"records": [ {"_url": " __UNIQUE_IMG_ID__" } ] }'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token __API_TOKEN__" -d '{"records": [ {"_url": " __UNIQUE_IMG_ID__" } ] }'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token __API_TOKEN__" -d '{"records": [ {"_url": " __UNIQUE_IMG_ID__" } ] }'

Articles & Guides

Ximilar's AI price guide can be used for value tracking of cards and comic books, offering accurate, real-time pricing data. Image credit: Laurie Byrne and Mick Haupt, Unsplash.

Get an AI-Powered Trading Card Price Checker via API

Our AI price guide can be used for value tracking of cards and comic books, offering accurate pricing data and their history.

Read more December 2024
Comics AI identification system (Photo by Erik Mclean)

Identify Comic Books & Manga Via Online API

Get your own AI-powered comics and manga image recognition and search tool, accessible through REST API.

Read more December 2024
Discover the latest AI tools for comic book and trading card identification, including slab label reading and automated metadata extraction.

New AI Solutions for Card & Comic Book Collectors

Discover the latest AI tools for comic book and trading card identification, including slab label reading and automated metadata extraction.

Read more September 2024

Ximilar is a reliable & responsible partner in image AI. We deliver what we promise.

Contact us now
  • Easy setup
  • Expert team
  • Fast scaling