Visual AI
Get an AI-Powered Trading Card Price Checker via API
Our AI price guide can be used for value tracking of cards and comic books, offering accurate pricing data and their history.
Identify Comic Books & Manga Via Online API
Get your own AI-powered comics and manga image recognition and search tool, accessible through REST API.
New AI Solutions for Card & Comic Book Collectors
Discover the latest AI tools for comic book and trading card identification, including slab label reading and automated metadata extraction.
How Fashion Tagging Works and Changes E-Commerce?
An in-depth overview of the key AI tools reshaping the fashion industry, with a focus on automated fashion tagging.
How to Identify Sports Cards With AI
Introducing sports card recognition API for card collector shops, apps, and websites.
Image Upscaler: API for Super-Resolution Image Enhancing
Enhance your images’ resolution without losing quality with a powerful Image Upscaler based on visual AI.
Flows – The Game Changer for Next-Generation AI Systems
Flows is a service for combining machine learning models for image recognition, object detection and other AI services into API.
Image Annotation Tool for Teams
Annotate is an advanced image annotation tool supporting complex taxonomies and teamwork on computer vision projects.
Ximilar Introduces API Credit Packs
API credit packs are a cost-effective solution for initial system setup, unexpected user traffic, and one-time system loads.