Use Cases

Whether you need to recognize R2D2 from C3PO or feel like building a Skynet search engine, Ximilar machine learning platform is here for you. Read use cases across different industries and markets.

Visual Quality Control by Ximilar

Visual AI Takes Quality Control to a New Level

Comprehensive guide for automated visual industrial quality control with AI and Machine Learning. From image recognition to anomaly detection.

Read more February 2021
Energy label recognition by Ximilar

Image Recognition as an Answer to New Energy Labelling

Discover how image recognition can help e-commerce businesses comply with new EU energy labeling regulations, ensuring a smooth transition.

Read more January 2021
Car detection by Ximilar

How to Train an Object Detection Model With One Click

Define, optimize and deploy to API your custom object detection model without coding.

Read more September 2020
Illustration image

Evaluation on an Independent Dataset for Image Recognition

Monitor the performance of your custom models on test dataset with Ximilar platform.

Read more August 2020
Photo by Ravi Kumar on Unsplash

How to Deploy Models to Mobile & IoT For Offline Use

Tutorial for deploying Image Recognition models trained with TensorFlow to your smartphone and edge devices.

Read more May 2020
Comparison of Visual AI

Is Ximilar Better Than AI Giants?

Comparison of pricing and features of main cloud players in computer vision, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Read more June 2019
Vision in Industry

Vision AI is Breaking Into New Industries

Several interesting use-cases for using machine learning and visual ai in the world.

Read more June 2017